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AeroTech� Mantis Launch Pad
AeroTech's Mantis launcher is one of the more versatile model rocketry launch pads available, making it a launch pad of choice for most model rockets.

The Mantis makes loading a rocket easy with a swing-arm that can lower the launch rod to a horizontal position. The loaded rocket is positioned two feet above the ground near mounted wire clips that hold the launch controller cord, making igniter hook-up convenient and comfortable.

A launch-angle control wheel simplifies adjustment of the launch elevation of the rocket. Azimuth changes are accomplished by turning the upper assembly of the Mantis.

It comes with a 1/4" two-piece launch rod. It also converts to a launch pad for AeroTech� rocket gliders using the adapter kit contained in every AeroTech� glider kit.

AeroTech� Product No. 89281

Impulse Aerospace Quad-Pod
The Impulse AeroSpace Quad-Pod is a high-quality launcher capable of use from model to high power rockets. It features a heavy duty aluminum pyramid topped by a cast-aluminum head. It accepts launch rod diameters from 0 to 1.125". The aluminum head provides smooth ball-bearing motion and positive locking in both elevation and azimuth.

Impulse Aerospace's Quad-Pod can handle the big rockets with ease. It is rated for rockets with up to 200 pounds of gross lift-off weight.

It includes a T-304 stainless steel blast deflector that is 12" in diameter and 3/16" thick.

Since different launch rod diameters are used with different-sized rockets, the Quad-Pod does not come with a launch rod as standard equipment. However, Impulse Aerospace does have a selection of launch rods available for purchase.

Quad-Pod's High Wind Legs
Where more tip-over resistance is required, the Quad-Pod head shown to the right can be attached to Impulse Aerospace's High-Wind Legs, shown in the above photo to the left.

These legs are designed just like the standard Quad-Pod legs, but are a foot longer and are made of 2" diameter tubing, rather than the 1" diameter of the standard legs.

The High Wind Legs and Head Unit are sold separately, and must be assembled.

Sixteen feet of endorphins!
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